Our Denomination

Our identity is a blend of traditions and a commitment to unity. Within our denomination, the EPC, you'll find a unique tapestry that weaves together evangelical passion and Presbyterian heritage within the Reformed tradition.

We maintain an open and inclusive approach to areas where differing viewpoints concerning secondary matters may arise, neither explicitly endorsing nor discouraging specific practices. Since our establishment in 1981, our foundational principle has been to firmly uphold the core tenets of the Christian faith while allowing for diversity in non-essential matters. This inclusiveness extends to various aspects, including the question of ordaining women as officers and the practice of charismatic gifts.

Above all, our primary commitment revolves around fostering a spirit of love and unity rather than contention. In our gatherings at both regional and national levels, our primary emphasis remains on worship and fellowship, creating an atmosphere that encourages unity and minimizes divisive debates.

Our EPC family comprises over 600 churches, a diverse community of approximately 145,000 members. With a fervor for world missions, we prioritize sending missionaries to reach unreached people groups. Our vision extends to planting churches not only across the United States but also in urban communities and college towns. We aspire to see every congregation as an outpost of God's Kingdom, with each member embracing their role as a missionary on a unique mission.

In the EPC, you'll discover a community where faith traditions harmonize, where essential truths unite us, and where love and service propel us forward. Welcome to a denomination where unity and mission are at the forefront of our journey together.