Our Vision


Rosebrook Presbyterian Church exists to bring spiritual, cultural, and gospel renewal in Rockville, the D.C. Metro Area, and the world.

  • Spiritual renewal: We seek to connect people to God through worship, evangelism, and discipleship as the Holy Spirit uses the preaching of the gospel for his work of regeneration and progressive sanctification.

  • Cultural renewal: We seek to connect people to God in their everyday lives, particularly at the intersection of faith, work, and community.

  • Gospel renewal: We seek to connect people to God through a reformation of the mind and heart by centering their thoughts and affections on Christ and his finished work on the cross.



 Our Core Values


Our mission is to reflect Christ through gospel-centered worship, cross-cultural discipleship, and holistically loving our neighbors.

1. Gospel Centrality

We affirm the centrality of the gospel in all of Scripture contained in the Old and New Testaments where Christ’s redemptive work on the cross has individual, systemic, and cosmic implications.
See Created & Creating: A Biblical Theology of Culture by William Edgar and The Emergence of Sin: The Cosmic Tyrant in Romans by Matthew Croasmun.

2. Multiplication

We affirm that Jesus’ primary means of growing his church is through the multiplication of disciples across cultures, races, and generations. We are commissioned to train, mentor, and point one another to Christ in order to become more like him (Titus 2:2-8).
See Center Church by Tim Keller.

3. Bridge Building

We affirm that the ethics of God’s Kingdom is marked by peacemaking (Matt 5:9), or bridge building, resulting in the rejection of false dichotomies and the pursuit of a “Kingdom alternative” to potentially divisive issues.
See Thinking through Creation: Genesis 1 and 2 as Tools of Cultural Critique by Christopher Watkin.

4. Truth & Justice 

We affirm that evangelism consists of loving our neighbors holistically–preaching truth and pursuing justice. In the words of the late missiologist, Harvie Conn, we desire to be a church “that exists for the sake of its non-members.”
See Evangelism: Doing Justice and Preaching Grace by Harvie Conn and Generous Justice: How Grace Makes Us Just by Timothy Keller.

5. Unity & Diversity

We affirm the unity of the human race against racism and those who seek to divide our communities in order to consolidate power and/or maintain statuses of privilege at the expense of marginalized groups. Simultaneously, we affirm the diversity of the human race against those who seek to undermine or whitewash historical and present acts of oppression, marginalization, and discrimination through hegemonic expressions of cultural normativity.
See One Blood: Parting Words to the Church on Race and Love by John Perkins and The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism by Jemar Tisby.